
Cambridge Listening Test 2


     Questions 1—10

Questions 1— 6

Complete the notes below.

 Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

             Short Story Competition

Entry Details Example Cost of entry:
Length of story:      approximately 1……………………..
       story must include: a 2…………………….
Minimum age:      3……………………………..
Last entry date.       1st 4………………………
Web address:        www. 5…………………………. .com
Don’t         6..………………..the story to the organisers

Questions 7— 10

Complete the sentences below.

 Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

  Judging and Prize Details

The competition is judged by 7……………….

The top five stories will be available8………….

The top story will be chosen by the 9…………….

The first prize is a place at a writers’ workshop in 10………………….

Questions 11—20
Questions 11—17

Answers the questions below:

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

 Sea Life Centre- information

11. What was the sea life Centre previously called?

12. What is the newest attraction called ?

13.When is the main feeding time ?

14.What can you do with a VIP ticket?

15. What special event will the Sea Life Centre arrange for you?

16. Where will the Petition for animal conservation be sent to ?

17. What can you use to test what you have learnt ?

Questions 18—20

 What does the guide say about each attraction?

 Choose THREE  answers from the box and write the correct letter A to E, next to questions 18-20

A    Aquarium

B    Crocodile Cave

C    Penguin Park

D    Seal Centre

E     Turtle Town

18. must not miss…………..

19. temporarily closed………..

20. large queues…………….



       Questions 21—30

Questions 21—22

 Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which two subjects did Martina like best before going to University?

 A Art
 B English  C         French           D      History        E     Science

  Questions 23—26

 Complete the summary below.

 Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS FOR each answer

                     George’s experience of university

George is studying Mechanical Engineering which involves several
disciplines. He is finding  23…………………… the most difficult. At the moment, his course is mainly 24……………He will soon have an assignment which involves a study of 25………….  He thinks there are too many 26…………and would like less of them.   

 Questions 27-30

27. Martina thinks the students at her university are 

   A sociable

   B intelligent 

   C energetic

28   George hopes that his tutor will help him

    A      lose his shyness         

    B           settle into university          

    C          get to know his Subject better

29   What does Martina  knows about her first assignment?

    A    the topic

    B       the length

    C       the deadline

30    George would like to live ?  

  A   in a hall of residence      

  B   in a flat on his own.

  C   with a host family

SECTION 4        

Questions 31—40

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.



Most important consideration :  your audience

             — Three points to bear in mind:

             –– What they need to know

              –– How 31……….they will be

             ––  How big the audience will be


Start with the information that makes the audience 3  2………………

End with 33………………….

Design the presentation needs to be 34…………………

Vary content by using a mix of words35……………….


Look at the audience, be enthusiastic and energetic

Voice – vary speed and 36………………

Occasionally add 37………….. for greater impact

Do not use 38……………. e.g (appears,seems)

Questions and Interruptions

When asked a question, first of all you should  39. ……………….

Minimise interruptions by 40………. them.


  1. 3000 / 3000 three thousand words
  2. surprise/ surprising ending
  3. 16/sixteen
  4. August
  5. COMP4SS
  6. post
  7. famous authors
  8. online
  9. public 
  10. Spain


11.  world of water

12. (the) splash ride

13.  12 o ‘clock/ 12pm

14. feed (the) sharks

15. (a ) birthday party

16. (the) government

17. (the / a) quiz

18. E

19. C

20. B





21 & 22.  D /B (EITHER ORDER)

23. mathematics / maths

24. theory / theoretical

25. jet engines

26. seminars

27. A

28. B

29. C

30. C


31. supportive

32. pay attention

33. next steps

34. consistent

35. graphics

36. tone

37. (a) silence / silences

38. weak verbs

39. repeat it

40. predicting