

Tips for IELTS Writing Task 1 MAPS

Another type of Question in  Academic Writing Task 1 is – MAP

There will be 2 types of Maps Question

  • Comparison of Past and Present
  • Comparison of Present and Future

Structure of Task 1 Map

Map should follow the following structure 

  1. Introduction (Paraphrase the given statement )
  2. Overview (Highlighting the key feature or major changes)
  3. Body Paragraph 1 (Briefly describing the first Map)
  4. Body Paragraph 2 (Briefly describing the second Map)

Map Vocabulary

Tense to  be used: Past Tense, Present Tense, Present Perfect Tense

  • Do Paraphrasing using Synonyms : Example housing area = residential area
  • Use North, South, East , West Directions to show the clear location in a map.

Map 7 bands Sample Answers

1. The plans below show a public park when it first opened in 1920 and the same park today.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

The maps detail the changes since 1920 to today of Grand Park. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that the park added and expanded areas mainly related to entertainment including a larger stage and various areas for recreation. There was also significant relocation in terms of seating and the only areas that remained the same were the entrances and one minor garden.
The most striking change is in the center of the park where the fountain has been removed in favour of a rose garden with full seating around it. To the left of the new garden, the previous stage for musicians has been turned into a much larger ampitheatre facing the opposite direction that will allow for concerts in the park. This change has necessitated the removal of both seating on the far left side as well as the rose garden in the bottom left corner of the map.
The entrances at the top and bottom in the middle have remained unchanged but on the right side a cafe has replaced the rose garden and where there was a pond for water plants in the top right corner, there is now a children’s play area. Instead of the pond, a water feature has been built occupying the bottom right corner (replacing a glasshouse and some seats). Finally, leading to the water park is a new entrance for an underground car park.

2. The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for its development. 

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.


The maps illustrate the current and predicted future Islip town centre.

Overall, it is clear from the maps that some pedestrianisation is planned for shopping and housing area, while a new road for vehicles is planned to frame this area.

Focusing on the current map, the town center is developed around a main road, which stretches from the west to the east. There are many shops to the north and to the south of the road. Whilst it is mainly consisted of the countryside in the north, a big area is occupied by housing in the south. This area is limited by a park in the east and a school in the south-west. Both of these structures are connected to the main road by side roads.

Moving on to the predictions, a circular road that goes around the city center attracts attention. This road expected to be built is a dual carriageway. The middle part of the main road is projected to be pedestrianized. Although the southern part of Islip is not designated to see big changes other than some new housing and a shrink in the size of the park, there are many changes planned for the northern part. Shops in this part will be demolished and a shopping centre and a housing area will be introduced. A bus station and a parking area are also planned to be built to the west and the east of the shopping centre, respectively.

3. The two maps below show road access to a city hospital in 2007 and in 2010.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.


The given two maps illustrate the road network around a City Hospital in 2007 and in 2010. Overall, it is noticeable that the road access to the city hospital had been upgraded in 2010 with the addition of a bus station, two roundabouts and a separate public car park.

In 2007, the hospital road, which had three bus stops on the either side, was connected to the city road and to the ring road. Furthermore, a common car park was located on the east side of the hospital road, and it served both public and staff members. In 2010, some significant changes could be seen. Firstly, the common car park was assigned exclusively for the hospital staff, while a novel public car park was established on the east side of the hospital. Secondly, two roundabouts had been constructed at both ends of the hospital road; one at the intersection with the ring road and other at the city road junction. Finally, the three bus stops on either side had been removed, and a new bus station was constructed on the west side of the hospital road with connections to the both newly built roundabouts.

4. The plans below show the layout of a university’s sports centre now, and how it will look after redevelopment.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.


The diagrams detail the present construction of a sports centre and plans for its renovation. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that there are plans to remove the outdoor courts and expand the gym with additional facilities for swimming, changing, dancing, and activities largely unrelated to exercise like shopping and having coffee.

At the moment, the university’s main building is flanked by large outdoor courts. The plan is to remove the western courts in favour of a leisure pool larger in size than the current pool, which will itself remain unchanged during renovations. The entire main building will not undergo alterations including the changing rooms, reception and seating area. The only slight exception is that the gym on the northern end of the building will be lengthened eastwards and connect with two new adjoining dance studios.

The outdoor court on the eastern side will be replaced by a sports hall and to the southeast of the sports hall the university will add an additional changing room (which is mirrored by the same room in the southwestern corner of the plans) and an abutting cafe to the west. The large entrance area will not be impeded in any way but a new sports shop will open next to the westernmost changing room.

5. The map below show how Frenton changed from 1990 to 2012.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.